Total Funds Raised
SLL 1,040,294,200
(USD 108,363.98)
Last updated: July 20th 2020, 13:59:01 GMT
By Salone For Salone
We demand justice for all survivors of sexual violence. Together, we imagine a world of safety, dignity and bodily autonomy for girls and women everywhere. We will no longer wait for others to fund our collective future. Through the Survivor Solidarity Fund we are mobilising resources from Sierra Leone, for Sierra Leone. Together, we will end rape and all forms of sexual violence in our lifetimes.
In partnership with Solidarity Fund Champions...
...Fatmata Sorie (LAWYERS); Josephine Kamara (Purposeful); Martin Michael (MERCURY); Haja Alima Abdallah (50/50 Group); Dr. Aisha Fofana Ibrahim (Academic/FBC Gender Department) and Dr. Bintu Mansaray (Medical Consultant, Rainbo)
"We invite you to donate..."
The fund will support essential lifesaving and life-sustaining services for survivors of sexual violence beginning with Rainbo Initiative, Aberdeen Women’s Centre, L.A.W.Y.E.R.S and Smart Women Initiative
Every single Leone raised will go directly to groups living and fighting on the frontlines of the crisis. The Fund is housed at Purposeful, a Sierra Leonean founded and headquartered international organisation with a track-record of multi-million dollar fundraising and grant-making across the world. Purposeful is covering the administrative costs of running the fund as an institutional act of solidarity.
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In partnership with #BLACKTUESDAYSL
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